Thursday, February 15, 2007

Easing back

Thanks to everyone for their good thoughts for a speedy recovery. Today is the best I've felt since Sunday evening. I'm not sure I had a stomach flu because I didn't have all the usual symptoms. Yesterday I got to thinking that this was an awful lot like DH's gall bladder attacks he had before his surgery...but I don't even want to go there!

The weather is so mild today, I could almost smell spring when I put our aging dog out @ 5:10...seems her internal clock is off just a bit...but then we spring forward to DST next month. I'm planning on sitting on my chair on the front porch with a cup of tea later today. I feel so cooped up.

I did some stitching got the bottom left corner done 1/3 the way across. I'm now planning my next project and Margaret's hint of doing Max on linen is sounding better & better. I may have to head out to find a nice piece! Yup...I'm definitely on the mend!

I made a ham dinner for our Valentine Dinner...we are going to celebrate more with a dinner & movie night next week. DH picked the movie, so I get to pick the restaurant! How great is that?

Hope everyone is well and stitching not frogging!

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