Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fred SAL & such

I'm lagging behind but still enjoying Fred. Only got about 50 more stitches done in the past few weeks. Seems I'm having too much summer fun!

Speaking of summer fun, our youngest DD and family are returning for a repeat weekend! They went home for another cast clinic check up for the youngest's broken arm...things are going well, but still another 4 weeks or so of cast time. They want another visit to our water park...but I know of another nice one within 15 minutes of the house!!!!

The big guys may get a round of golf in while the ladies check out another new-to-us playground. Then Saturday it's off to Legal for the fete au village! One of the mot anticipated events...the Demolition derby! That's always a hit to watch.

Monday will be back to work for all! Hope you are having as much fun as we are!


Name: Vicki said...

Boy! You certainly are busy! I'm sure you will have a ball! I love the pictures of your flowers in the previous post! They are gorgeous! Have fun!

Pumpkin said...

No wonder you're not stitching girl! At least you are enjoying the busy time :o)