Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Joey's First Solo Visit

We popped down to Turner Valley Sunday to meet Heather's future Mother in Law Betty. Jeff and Heather were hosting their family reunion...great set up by Jeff, everyone seemed to have fun.

Anyways, long story short...Cody jumped in to Lesley's van and Joey into our back seat! Stopped back at Les's house long enough to pack a get away bag, grab my dog and we were off.

Supper at the golden arches was a hit but then around Didsbury it started...are we there yet?!!!! He was happy with our answers until Papa said 7 minutes away TWICE! Papa was so busted! For those who don't's a 3 hour drive!

We thought we had all the answers, things were wonderful...we passed to city limit sign, then it happened...I want to go to my home now!!!!

We got through that little crisis, he had a quick swim in the tub, found Whidden again and then we made popcorn and watched some tv...Joey was shocked to find out we were out of peanuts...his staple treat when he visits! Oh well, got him into bed @10pm and he slept straight through to 7:30 this it's go go go!

What fun! Will try and get some photos of this visit and post whenever I can think straight!

1 comment:

Pumpkin said...

Ah yes, children...a good reason right there that we don't have them ;o) I just get exhausted with one hour with my nephew. LOL!

Amazingly, you cannot fool a child when it comes to "How much longer?"