Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What was your fave 80's fashion?

We are co-hosting our Team Crockett's Totally 80's Party this weekend and I'm thinking I don't want to wear stockings aka pantyhose! I'm helping set up the food buffet as well as taking a turn as bartender - beer, wine, coolers and rum & cokes are do-able! I just want to be comfortable, it's going to be a long day starting @ 5am and running until!

My original plan was to be a Dynasty character and wear my black dress with the knee length overcoat in a metallic thread...of course, there are shoulder pads!!!!! It looks great but...not too practical now I've seen the schedule.

So any ideas? I was thinking of cutting my short hair even shorter...not too keen on bleaching it in case it goes yellow not platinum and go for the Annie Lennox look. Jacket with shoulder pads, skinny neck tie, dark pants ( I can even peg them temporarily). I also have a tie dyed t-shirt around...comfy but is it 80's?

So if you have some brilliant last minute ideas that won't break the bank, lay them on me...and NO, I will not wear a couple of funnels as a Madonna bra! I won't wear any of my unmentionables on the outside!

Thanks a bunch!


Jennifer said...

Check here - you can find a TON of ideas: http://www.fashion-era.com/power_dressing.htm

Also check these sites:




Pumpkin said...

Big hair, big hair, big hair! ROFL!

Sorry I can't comment on your video :o( We're still on dial up so I can't see it.