Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dad has improved

You never quite know what to expect after you get a call saying your Dad isn't doing well, need to re access and change his code order. Well he's a Johnston through and through and we don't just give up on anything. Thanks to all my friends and family for the support and good thoughts!

Dad's food is now being pureed and he's actually able to swallow most. We are going ahead with some tests in case this problem with mucus build up can easily be remedied.
In the meantime we are preparing to move Dad into the main building where he can enjoy some of the holiday activities without having to go outside. With his fragility, a cold bug or flu virus could prove most dangerous. I am glad that he had the coziness of the cottage for so many years, but now it is time to move along and make room for someone else who is just beginning the Alzheimer journey.

With DH & my sister's help, I have arrangements in place and paid for. Now I can just enjoy being a daughter with minimum trustee issues to dwell upon. Time is the most precious thing of all.

Stitching has been non existent this past 8 days...I was too focused on Dad's needs and I didn't want to have a visit...even a tiny one...from those darn frogs! I'll pick it back up this afternoon with a cup of tea and maybe I'll treat myself to stitching the autumn pumpkin!


Pumpkin said...

So glad to hear the news Berta! What a cute picture of the two of you :o) I'm happy that you had a nice visit together and you're right, time is precious.

Margaret said...

So thankful to hear that your father is doing better and will have a happy place to spend the holidays. What a sweet picture of the two of you.

Take care