Dragonfly Treasure lately? She has wonderful uses for coffee filters! Check it out! My personal favorite is #1! DUH! I've been ripping a paper towel in half for far too long to contain splatters...when all along a coffee filter is the perfect shape!
I attended a free motion quilting course last night. Found out I can't free hand leaves very well, which is funny as I love to garden! My other shapes went fairly well. I have a busy week of practice ahead of me because I signed up for the advance course next week!!!! I was having second thoughts when the woman beside me in class piped up that she didn't think she would be able to do the next course. Seems she is and so am I according to Ingrid! Ingrid has a way of breaking it down into memorable steps. We were making M&M's and pointing our toes! The time went very fast and I feel I've learned a lot in just the one lesson.
DH is coming home today for his time off. We have lots of things planned and a couple of projects. I'm hoping to find some new dishes!!!! Nothing expensive, everyday but more my style. I'm still using the sets from when the kids were young I think a change would be good. I want them to be white so that the spicy coloured appetizer plates I got at Crate & Barrel will punch things up. I didn't get all 10 colours...just my favorite 6. Hopefully I remember to take some photos for next week's posting.
Work on the family tree continues. I've got emails out trying to tie in a possible family member on my Dad's side. His father died quite young and we don't have a lot of history to fall back on. I continue to lose hours while finding more data! That in itself is the good and bad news! It could be worse, I could be bored out of my mind NOT!!! I'm reading up a storm on top of everything else.
OMG! You are a busy bee! You got me tired just reading what you're up to! lOL
Glad you liked my post today and thanks for sharing it!
I'm sure you will do just great with the advanced course. Just remember to have fun with it.
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