Monday, August 20, 2007

Fred update

Here's my progress so far. I would have liked to be further along but with all my summer activities, I'm just so pleased that what I have stitched is right.

Although gridding the Aida took some time, it's proven itself...I can almost instantly find those little frogs when I pick it up again with fresh eyes. Seems that I'm a slow learner when it comes to stitching while tired, stressed or sick. DON'T DO IT!

Also, the past 10 days or so have shown decided signs for the approaching autumnal weather/temperatures and light conditions. I hate to put this in print - seems to make it all that much more real - but some of the trees in our area, mine included are changing colours!

Last year I made a concerted effort to be more green and leave a smaller footprint on our world and switched to CFL bulbs...but I've had to switch back to a afternoons just aren't as bright as I need to stitch on black. C'est la vie!

Tuesday is our official FRED SAL day - I'll be back at it!


Mia said...

I love your progress on Fred. What a project!!! I can't even begin to imagine all that stitching on black. :)

Pumpkin said...

Holy Moly Berta!!!! You really have a lot accomplished! I think with a project that big, it does pay to grid it out.

Yes, fall is coming and I'm SO happy! That's my favorite time of year by far :o)