Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Team Crockett, here I am!

Well it's official...I'm walking for the Uncover the Cure next June in Calgary! And because misery loves company, I've also signed Joe up! Nah, I'm not that demented, I did have his permission despite anything he may say.

Now to get my pledges...which may require some thinking on my part because I don't work outside the house and I would HATE to have to depend on my loving and generous family! The really good news is I do have time to get my grey cells in working mode ...and time to get the bod up to snuff! I would really like to have to change my registration to a 10K run but I don't want to back myself into a corner I'm reluctant to get out of. Tis far better to upgrade from walker to runner than the t'other way around, n'est pas?

Thanks for all your support - in whatever form it takes! No Heidi, I don't think people would pay to see me shave my head!


Alberta said...

YIPEEE! I got my first pledge! Thanks goes out to my cousin in law Lucie!

Pumpkin said...

I'm more than willing to donate Alberta :o) I'm a breast cancer survivor and fully support any fundraiser out there. Just lmk how to go about it! My email address is in my profile.