Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I need a mental vacation!

First off, things are good with that verbal miscommunication...she was having an off day, hence the 'panic'.

This morning I tackled our tax forms. I wanted to sneak a peak at the bottom line in case we have to purchase more RRSP's. I'm pretty good with these forms, there usually isn't a difference of more than pennies between my calculations and the final assessment.

This year may be different because we now have the chance to do pension splitting, so I've been working out best case scenarios and my heading is swirling! I would work on DH's forms, get so far, have to work on a schedule, that influenced both our returns, input my numbers on my forms and then go back to his and input those. I got lost in all this at one point after I took a bathroom break...but thankfully the coloured pens helped get me on track.

I don't have all my T4's but using end of year forms I should be very close. It's looking good but I still want to play with more contributions and try and squeeze a little more back from the government. I am very much like my Dad...frugal almost to the point of being cheap!

The smarter we are with our money the better situated we are for our retirement future...and we still manage to have fun along the way!

Hope Tuesday is good to you...after a quick lunch, I'm pulling Frederick out...it IS SAL Tuesday...and just let my mind enjoy the stitching!

1 comment:

Pumpkin said...

I'm so glad to hear that Berta! If she was a good friend, she would have understood :o)

Taxes. UGH! I really hope I don't have to pay again this year :o(