Thursday, May 01, 2008

Marvelous weekend

The gown fitting went well...despite the chaos with other brides to be and prom queens downstairs. We were upstairs along with one other bride for fittings. Very calm!

I'm still shopping for an outfit. I haven't been inspired yet. I want something that suits me. I hate it when the dress wears me!!!!

We did some power shopping for Jonathan - how can we not? Got him some summer sleepers and a couple of 1 piece jumpers for summer fun. He wasn't in a mood to model them...after the dress fitting, shopping and lunch out, Jonathan wanted to run and play.

He even stole our dog's bed...but Cody wasn't too put out...she just laid down in front of Jonathan and shared!

Kids & pets can steal the show every time!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Felicity said...

When's the wedding? Do tell us more details!