Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It keeps on coming!

I've always been a believer of the Law of Attraction, even before it came into the lime light a few years ago. Surround yourself with like minded people and good things will happen.

Well I've been on such a natural high today, it's unbelievable!

About 6 weeks ago, I sent a quick note to Chef Michael Smith...who helped me out with an autographed copy of one of his cookbooks for last year's fundraiser. DH & I caught one of his shows and he made the easiest soups ever, and we just so happened to have all the ingredients on hand, so we made it for our supper. Well it's now one of our faves! Today, he sent me a quick note thanking me for emailing him. How kind is that?!

I'm been getting lots of family history from my cousin David this morning. He's the webmaster of our family site http://www.mcgregor-mills.ca/ He has been a busy man. He has Dad's link updated with his obituary and he has tracked down tons of information for us! I now now who my great grandparents were. Yesterday all I knew of Dad's family were dim memories of his brother Bob, sister Kay and Mom, Nannie Kerr. I am so pumped up...I feel like I'm floating!

Stitching wise...well...I got a few minutes done yesterday but found my hands are so stiff from lack of use. It seemed at times I was all thumbs! The needle seemed to be so thin after writing all those thank you notes etc. Oh well, I'm not giving up just doing it in shorter bits of time.

Hoping you are all having as great a day as I am!


Wendy said...

Hi Berta~ Trying to catch up on my blog reading and I just read about your Dear Dad's passing. My sincere condolences for your loss ... and {{{hugs}}}

mumzy said...

Berta, I am so sorry to hear of your Father's passing. We have been away and just got back and I am trying to get caught up on the blogs I follow. Please accept our condolences for your loss.
{{{Big Hugs}}}

Pumpkin said...

Wow, you have been a busy girl ;o)

I noticed your family crest because it was so similar to my DH's. It's very interesting to unravel the past :o)